I am going to try to catch up on some blog posts! We had a great coues deer hunting season in January 2017 at Colburn and Scott Outfitters. I will try to chronicle some of the bucks our hunters were able to harvest with us. This bucks was harvested by Craig Dunlap of Washington. He harvested this buck on the seventh day of the hunt at about 12:00 Noon. Seth Meeske had spotted this buck a few days before and Seth knew it was a good buck. The last morning Craig was the last hunter standing and we all spread out to try and find a great buck for him. Guide Hunter Haynes made a sweet spot on this buck and the stalk was on. My partner Darr Colburn, Craig Dunlap and myself crept into position while Hunter kept his eye on the buck. We were able to move in to 275 yards. Craig setup for the shot and we couldn’t all help but think of the weight of the situation that Craig was feeling. He lost his Dad the week before and it was a very emotional time for him and his family. Craig’s buck has a really neat extra point near his eyeguard on the right side. We are always blessed to hunt with Craig and enjoyed guiding him on his Arizona Desert sheep hunt in 2015 in Unit 22. Be sure to check out more photos of our season on my Instagram page @JayScottOutdoors